Page Sanctuary Church of God in Christ

Church Services 

Service dates and times may change due to other church services or District and State Meetings.



9:15 AM - Prayer

9:30 AM - Sunday School In Person Women's Class also via Zoom

                 Meeting ID: 783 952 1893   Password: 1954

                 Men's Class In Person Ira McNeal Fellowship Hall

                 Children's Classes In Person 

11:00 AM - Worship Service In Person & via Facebook Live Page Sanctuary COGIC


9:00 PM  - "Ladies on the Frontline" with Lady Bernae Richardson via her personal                             Facebook Page (Bernae Richardson)


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Weekly Prayer In Person 

3:00 PM - "Words of Encouragement" with Pastor Terrence Richardson via Facebook                        Live Page Sanctuary COGIC

7:00 PM - "Women Empowerment" In Person and via Facebook Live Page Sanctuary                        Zoom Meeting ID: 783 952 1893  Password: 1954

                  Brotherhood In Person Ira McNeal Fellowship Hall


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Weekly Prayer In Person 

7:00 PM - Midweek Bible Study with Minister TJ Richardson In Person and via                                   Facebook Live Page Sanctuary COGIC


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Weekly Prayer In Person 

7:00 PM - Dial in Prayer with Pastor Terrence Richardson Sr. Conference Call dial in                         number 712-770-4932, Participant Code 252535#


6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - Morning Prayer - In Sanctuary 


12:00 PM - Every 1st & 3rd Saturday Sunshine Band & Purity Class In Person 

                   ** Adult Choir Rehearsal time TBA **



Page Sanctuary Church of God in Christ ~~7205 N. Kelley~~Oklahoma City, OK 73111



All rights reserved.
